Tech and travel


Python generators


Python generators are powerful, but perhaps a bit hard to understand. Luckily, a great tutorial on them can be found at .



My Google App Engine application is a workout followup utility. You can enter your times or distances, and the results are shown in list. Graphs were added using the Google Chart API. The URL is (note : you will have to login with your Google ID). One of the things added recently is the ability to download the results as a csv file. The following code snippet shows how to do this.

Don’t forget the defibrillator


The radio show Wait Wait… Don’t tell me just gave a way to defeat John McCain : people should hold up signs saying ‘Don’t forget the defibrillator’.

Google App Engine


Python‘s creator, Guido Van Rossum, has been hinting at this for a while, and it’s finally here : Google App Engine. It’s a way to build and host web apps on the Google servers. I put a small app together, which is a very simple variation on the ‘The Django Form Validation Framework on Google App Engine‘ article. It let’s you login, and store some data on workouts. On to some code : import cgi import wsgiref.

Wallace and Gromit


These guys were in the local John Lewis a few weekends ago : Cool.

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