Bermuda is a small group of interconnected islands in the Atlantic. It’s a lot warmer than Cambridge in the winter. That made it a good destination for a holiday in the beginning of December.
Greetings from Bermuda
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Christmas tree before the Bermuda City Hall. Christmas in 20 degrees Celsius heat is not the same
The 'bird cage' is a traffic island in downtown Hamilton
Some boats are bigger than others
Entry to the Masterworks Museum. There are references to John Lennon in the art work.
A tree
The crystal cave
Crystal refers to the clear water
View of the village of St George, the oldest on the island
A lot of houses on Bermuda are not connected to the water supply so they collect rain water in a tank under the house
Street in St George
The private beach of my hotel
Wifi on the beach
View of Paget parish from Hamilton
The Hamilton inner harbour
View of Hamilton (on the right) from Hamilton Fort
Hamilton as seen from the ferry
The Atlantic as seen from the National Museum of Bermuda
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