Photos from a short cultural trip to a cold Vienna .
View from the Upper Belvedere on the Lower Belvedere and Vienna
Click on the pictures to see them in a gallery:
The Upper Belvedere
Statues in front of the Upper Belvedere
The Secession building holding the Beethoven Frieze
Knight in the Beethoven Frieze
Typhoes the storm wind giant with his Gorgon daughters in the Beethoven Frieze
Last panel of the Beethoven Frieze
Inside the Kunsthistorisches Museum where the Bruegel exhibition was held
Hunters in the snow
Children's Games
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent
Dulle Griet
Tower of Babel
The Opera house
The obligatory Mozart statue
The Albertina Museum
Painting by Egon Schiele in the Lower Belvedere
Plague column
Inside the Hofburg
Hundertwasser house
Another look at the Hundertwasser house
Copyright (c) 2024 Michel Hollands