Resolver is a spreadsheet, running on .Net, in which you can write functions in Python.
An example is :
for row in workbook["Sheet1"].Rows:
if (row["Gross Price"] > 25 and
row is not workbook["Sheet1"].HeaderRow):
row.BackColor = Color.PeachPuff
This is run after a change is made to the spreadsheet. The code loops over all the rows in the first worksheet. If the “Gross Price” column is bigger than 25 and the row is not part of the header row, then the background colour of the row is set to PeachPuff. This code was taken from the tutorial, so don’t blame me for the colur.
Another example is this function :
def withVAT(amount):
return amount * 1.175
This can be used in cells. So you can literally have ‘=withVAT(A2)’ in your spreadsheet. That’s cool.
A non-commercial version is available here, as well as a normal commercial version. The screencast also shows how these spreadsheets can be used as a webpage. For that you need a special server version though.
Copyright (c) 2024 Michel Hollands