Eclipse is a great development environment for Java on Linux, however there might be some issues with the fonts. The Preferences window only allows you to change certain fonts, with no way to change the menu font and the font in the outline or package explorer view.
If your display has a high resolution, like 1400 by 1050, these fonts will look too large, making the program a bit less useable.
The fonts in question are taken from the system default font. In order to change this, you have to make sure that the .gtkrc-2.0 file exists in your home directory. Just adding the following will change that font :
# configure the GTK+ default font for non-gnome apps
gtk-font-name = "verdana 8"
Note that this is the change needed for the GTK version of Eclipse. For the Motif version you probable have to change your .Xdefaults file. More information about this can be found on the eclipse website at, notably in the newsgroups.
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